Sunday 27 January 2013

OUGD504 - End of Module Evaluation

I can't locate the form for evaluations as it isn't on e-studio, so I have adapted a level 04 form, where I have come from level04 was an interesting re-cap.

Whilst studying on this long four month module I feel I have learned a lot about where I want to be in two years, along with understanding design practices in more detail. Between coming back after the summer and my latest ISTD project I have shocked myself that I produced such shoddy work in 2012. My interst in certain markets that require packag design has increased and focussed in that respect. I have always been interested in working with small businesses, I used this to my advantage in the ISTD and Kirkstall web brief. 

I evaluated my progress well accross this module as I reach certain points in briefs, however I did not interact with Crits as much as I should have, I have felt lost in this module. There has been an overwheling amount of work in comparrison to the Level 04 studies, which took my by surprise. This has had its advantages and disadvantages. I feel my health has declined where as my quality of design has improved.

With all of this in mind I believe the main skills I have developed are product execution and the ability to present a brief to provide a better pitch and product view for a client. 

Overall I have gained a clearer view of how I want to approach the rest of the level 05 modules whereby I hope to relax my life outside of University so that I can focus on the responsive aspects of the course when applying the OUGD504 module skills.  I used many ink based processes and developed a deep knowledge of many print techniques which was enjoyable, in summary, this is the first module whereby I feel like it means something to me and has helped me achieve the skills that will directly impact my employability. 

The main approach to my methods in this module was to stick to my plan, at level 04 I chopped and changed ideas until the last minute which caused my final execution and confidence in my work to be lacking. With my approach to finding techniques and apply them, I made sure that I stuck to ideas which I felt I could make work. 

My design print manual which I typed predominantly from books his something I am proud of. Learning about the proccesses has meant I have enjoyed the academic side of learning about something which is so key to my design career. I read a lot of books and spent the majority of the time on the project typing up information. Having an uinderstanding of print is essesntial to impressing possible employers and clients alike, not just in the quality and consideration in the portfolio, but also on a "pub chat" level in interviews. Working alongside a peer throughout the start of this print manual meant that we could push each other to do a little bit more reading and suggest new literature which in the end I believe helped us both to enjoy the topic.

The final crit presentation for ISTD at the end of the module went very well, I was confident that my work could stand up against the top 5 in the class whcih was a goal of mine at the start of the year. It was the design work that gave me the confidence to get up and prove to people that I can be a good designer. I will be looking to continue this level of commitment to briefs whilst attempting to spend more focussed time on the web design side of graphics. 

My web coding skills has let my module hand in down, on reflection I should have spent a week or two solid on coding websites, rather than splitting it up inbetween other projects. The Kirkstall Abbey website was planned to be effective and Understanding that I can potentially make a good living from web design has inspired me to study into this further. John Watters has mentioned that every designer on this course blooms at different stages, I hope that I can "bloom" towards the end of this year through having a good start with the OUGD504 module.

Although I feel that I experimented with many different printing and ink based mediums throughout the module, I feel that I should have tried more finishing techniques. These could include more detailed foiling, embossing and die cutting. I experimented with these techniques on a small scale but feel could have become more skilled   using the laser cutter to help. 

Collect more primary location research to get a more informed body of information of how people interact with design.

Be more organised with paperwork, I lost track of information, I blogged less than in Level 04. I need to get some academic files and clip boards in order to stay on track and review what is required for each brief. 

I would have spent more time focussing on web design, as soon as we started to learn about code and how it can be used to create basic website, I became interested in creating many websites. This was halted however and I found it tricky to get back into the process. I will certainly be trying more coding this year and in Level 06 in order to help clients with their needs. 

Crits became less and less informative because of how much work I brought to them, I understand I need to focuss on crits being mini deadlines, rather than a chat about what could be done to develop my progress. 


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