Tuesday, 16 October 2012

OUGD504 - Workshop 3 - InDesign

When working in book, you are working in a very complex set of documents, the file size is large and is more appropriate a book with more than 100 pages. 

The page size is the page size in its final fished, trimmed form. 

Letter is the american A4, 

The bleed is something that you should speak to the printers about due to how they work and what printers they use. The Slug is the cast off, it is where the printed registration marks, trim marks etc. are placed. 

Start Page number is where the numbering for the pages begins, for example, if you are having an introduction or several blank pages. 

Primary text frame allows us to automatically add text boxes which are linked, so we do not have to add new text boxes if the type runs off the text box printable space.

The master page allows us to add elements to every page in the document, such as a text box, or image.


Colour is added to a frame, frames work the same as vector shapes work in Illustrator, applying colour works in the same way as Photoshop and Illustrator. Strokes are the same also. The swatch system also works in the same way, the grey square represents global swatches, this means that these swatches are editable through the edit swatch option, which changes every application of that colour throughout the document. 

Creating swatches and spot colours (below) are the same in Illustrator.

This indicates that this is a spot colour of the code provided in the name bar. Creating a tint is incredibly simple, the value of the tint is shown in the swatch drop-down menu. 


When placing images into Indesign, the spot colours within that document are added automatically to the swatch list. 

The Links file stores all the image information, it tells us if a link (the image) is missing from the folder in which all the information for the document (content) is held. 

Grey scale Tiff files can have a monotone spot colour applied to them in order to colour a 1 or 2 colour print job. 

Editing an image allows edit the original image in a desired program by following the links which the image has created within the InDesign document. 

I can also do this by selecting the image, holding Alt and double clicking the mouse. 

I have changed the preferences of my system so that Tiff files will open in Photoshop. 
Once I edit the image, I can save it and it will open up automatically in InDesign. If not, using the Links palette will allow us to "update the image"


These are the colours which will be used in the print processes. The colour channels specify where the ink is applied during the  printing process.

When you open up the separations preview each printed ink is represented

At this stage we should delete any unused swatches from the palette because this will cost money and can cause overprinting (300% colour and above) in areas which the stock cannot handle.

Select 'separations' on the output menu.

The standard screen angles in degrees for printing in this method is C:105, M: 75, Y: 90, K: 45. K is screeed a this angle because it is the least obvious to the eye and most inportantly it is the most dominant colour therefore is needed to highlight shaded areas rather than over define storkes or solid areas of colour. 

(images of screen angles)

Overprinting and Knocking Out

The separations preview can also give information on over printing and knocking out at this stage we should inform the printer which spot colours are for the application of varnish rather than the specified colour in the documents swatches.

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