Saturday 2 February 2013

OUGD503 - Collaboration

Pre Meeting 

Given that I am doing the Fedrigoni brief and Natalie is doing the Nissan brief, the briefs I am taking to the first meeting with Natalie are as follows: 


UK Greetings Cards 
Feel Good Drinks



 Holiday Inn

The First Meeting

The first meeting went well, we finalised the two briefs to be as follows:

YCN - UK Greeting Cards
  The reason behind this choice is that the company involved is a large company with a reputation for qulaity cards. The opportunity to work in such established studios is great for both of us at this stage in our careers. If we do not win the competition then having the entries to send or show in future portfolio surgeries will benefit us due to the extensive range of products that can be produced.

D&AD - Batiste Dry Shampoo

This brief will allow for package design exploration and form a range of products. The web design aspect of this brief however is daunting, but both parties have accepted that a separate campaign with separate "open in new window" style website would be created as part of the brief.

It has also been agreed that a Joint-Pin Pinterest board be set up to allow us to communicate ideas through imagery using the comment boxes. 

The First Study Session - Thursday 14th Feb

Although I hope to use a couple of the YCN briefs for the Responsive Module.

Why have we chosen it?
The opportunity for us to work on our weaknesses in a supportive system. 
The opportunity to get exposure to our individual practices. 
The chance to go to London.
It is a brand Identity brief.
There is a good scope to create a range of products which will go beyond what the brief is asking.

What would we want to get out of it?
To win.
A chance to be exhibited and possibly published.
A piece of work for portfolio.
The chance to work with packaging and gain industry contacts within this field.

What we want to do / make?

A range of products.

A website.
POS display systems.

Why we want to enter it?

Working to a set brief by an established company
YCN gives a focal point to emerging talent. 

What's the problem?

Batiste need to appeal to an affluent audience such as the young professionals, ultimately to get a bigger profit and have a share of the middle to upperclass market.

What is the brief asking me to do about it?
Produce applied graphics to get impact on the shelf which elevate the brand beyond it's competitors in the budget brand section of stores.
What is it trying to achieve?

An increase in revenue from a market that it is not competing in, i.e. the high end beauty market which includes LK Bennet, Bobbie Brown etc. 
What's the message?

"Buy into an established brand when you are on the rush in your busy lifestyle"

Who is the audience?
16 - 44 women on the go.
These particular women are busy and fashion conscious, they are not stay at home mums, they are business women in a rush or busy students/young professional that want to make an impression.

What is the context?
An aerosol can which is displayed in the hair care section of high street shops. 

What products are associated with it?

make up bags
hair grips

What do you have to do?

Create a range of products with new scents and their names, create a website to promote the range.
Shelf presence must be created whilst fitting in with current sizes of can.

What do you need to do?
Primary research with the product
Understand the shelving systems of different stores.
What makes a successful display stand.Create a fragrance 

What can you do?

Photoshop the labels onto the cans,
illustrate a concept,
produce a high standard of submission board,
create an impact,
What hasn't been done before?
Box packaging
Scent release events... a "Scent Event"
What do you already know?

Batiste are a leading brand in their market, they produce several products for a range of hair colours and every fragrance is different from one another. They rarely put on events to promote the brand. 

What hasn't been done before?
A large scale roll out of a new product
Projection graphics
Experiential design
Video media

What is stopping you?

Web coding skills
Time restraints

How to judge the work

Get a crit with 3rd years
Peer feedback sessions
external feedback from those not knowledgable about graphic design

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