Tuesday 12 February 2013

OUGD503 - Responsive - Marriott Hotels 2

I have undertaken live briefs based on my experiences working for Marriott Leeds, realising that the internal materials were not as effective as they could be

Concierge Courtesy Cards

In order to start producing work for the Marriott I developed an idea of leaving courtesy cards in guests rooms when the concierge places and item of luggage, lost property or service products without the guest being present. The idea behind this being that a guest feels a connection with the concierge and knows who has delivered the items, this will allow the concierge team to deliver more services with guests coming directly to concierge rather than other departments.

This layout displays the various different wording options, information and typefaces I have used to allow Marriott to decide on how they would like to proceed. The Marriott Leeds logo has been used as a large focal point of branding, when guests with poor vision or indeed english see the card, they will recognise that it is hotel branding. 

The typeface is 12 point size for elderly guests to read whilst including the relevant information in the sentence.

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